Saturday, August 20, 2011

banana backup

This is a secret, so don't tell...promise? This is a rainy-day post. One of those "I haven't been to a trailer in a while and feel like I should post SOMETHING so people don't create an angry mob to come kidnap me and force me to eat at a food truck so they will have something to read about while they sit in front of their computer at work" kinda things. So in reality, these events took place at some unspecified time in the past but are still relevant to the blog and therefore will be posted and treated with the same amount of respect as other posts. I'm glad we are all in agreement on this.

Bananarchy is a clever name for a food trailer serving frozen banana treats, don't you think? Well, this truck is all about clever. From its fantastic location right at Lamar and Barton Springs to the references to the multitudes of Arrested Development jokes, this trailer knows clever. My favorite part was the game of Bananagrams on the counter. We stood there chatting with one of the owners, trying to decided which revolutionary dessert we were going to order, and all I could do was play the magnetic poetry game with the letter tiles. "HANKS" was already spelled out for me... all I had to add was the S!

Justin and I finally decided to go with the most popular 'Afternoon Delight' option since it seemed to be the best frozen banana offering. I believe it would have won the gold medal in the all-around portion of the competition. This fair trade banana is dipped in all three (chocolate, vanilla, and peanut butter) and topped with nuts and graham crackers. They kindly stick a spoon in the end of the banana for easy-handling. We had to get a whole-sie since the half-sies were all gone for the day, so we split this guy:

I hope I'm not stealing Justin's words when I say it tasted like a frozen candy bar treat. Like an ice-cream snickers or something. It wasn't an over-powering banana flavor, which I appreciated since I usually hate bananas. It had that popsicle-like quality of making my teeth hurt from being so cold, so I avoided taking big, center bites. I liked the outer coating of dessert better than the banana itself, so I stuck to side nibbles with little nugget of fruit included. Justin isn't a big dessert person (THANK GOODNESS) and started to peel chunks of chocolatelyness off like bark off a tree to eat just the banana itself. The both of us combined barely got through half of this monster, so unless you're ravenous I'd suggest going for the half-sie. Also, if I go again I will build my own and probably do a chocolate/oreo mix because that sounds really good to me right now. Having all the dips and nuts/graham crackers on this one might have been too much for me. Honestly... the shape was too much for us too. I don't know if we are mature enough to not giggle while holding and biting into these desserts. We definitely spent half our time sitting there laughing at each other/ourselves, but how could you not?! Life is funny. Especially when your treat is in the shape of a human body part. Sometimes you just gotta laugh.

I give this trailer a 3.5 our of 5 trailers, but this is considering my personal dislike of bananas (which kinda isn't fair to them). The treat was delicious, but too big and too expensive for me to make it a regular stop. The seating area is behind the trailer, away from the busy Lamar road which was nice and the owner was good-humored and sweet. I had fun, but I probably won't go unless someone else really craves a frozen banana.

Guest Review:

Ordering at Bananarchy, you just can't help but make an Arrested Development reference to the nice woman (and owner) working the booth. She has heard it all, and luckily has good spirits about it. We ordered the Afternoon Delight, and the maturity level of the meal just plummeted from there. After she handed us a huge frozen banana, dipped in peanut butter and chocolate and covered in nuts and graham cracker, we sat down and tried to decide just how to eat such a monstrous thing. I let Shalyn do the honors of taking the first bite, and we both laughed like 3rd graders. I had never had any sort of frozen banana before, and I was pleasantly surprised by its popsicle-like consistency. I am not a huge fan of sweets, and I think that hindered my overall enjoyment of the banana. The chocolate and peanut butter really overpowered all the other flavors that it could have had, and I was left feeling like I just ate a slightly healthier Reese's cup. Overall it was good but not great, yet on a hot summer day with the right flavor combos I think it would be awesome!


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